Disc Type Porcelain Insulator Ceramics Insulator

Suspended insulators are generally made of insulating parts (such as porcelain and glass) and metal accessories (such as steel feet, iron caps, flanges, etc.) glued or mechanically clamped with glue.


Suspended insulators are generally made of insulating parts (such as porcelain and glass) and metal accessories (such as steel feet, iron caps, flanges, etc.) glued or mechanically clamped with glue. Insulators are widely used in power systems, generally belong to external insulation, and work under atmospheric conditions. Overhead transmission lines, busbars of power plants and substations, and external live conductors of various electrical equipment must be supported by insulators and insulated from the ground (or ground) or other conductors with potential differences.

Disc insulators are also called suspension insulators. They are actually a piece of ceramic or glass with steel caps and iron feet at the upper and lower ends, which can be used in series.

As one of the important equipment of transmission lines, suspension insulators are responsible for the suspension of conductors and the insulation of iron towers. The suspension porcelain insulators produced are used on high-voltage, extra-high voltage and ultra-high voltage transmission lines around the world, and are used for transmission lines in various countries Safe operation provides reliable version guarantee.

Suspended porcelain insulators are divided into two types: insulators for AC systems and porcelain insulators for DC systems.


Fig. No.123433
Unit Spacing(H)-mm140110146146127146
Nominal Diameter(D)-mm190175255255255255
Coupling size --1116AVB16C16A16A/168
Nominal Creepage Distance-mm200185295295295320
Rated E&M Failing Load-KN404070707070
Routine Tensile Load-KN202035353535
Impact Strength-N.m556666
Power-Frequency WithstandWet-KV303040404040
Dry Lighting Impulse withstand Voltage-KV7575110110110110
Power-Frequency Puncture Voltage-KV9090110110110110
Radio Interference Test Voltage to Ground-KV7.57.510101010
Voltage Max. RIV at 1MHz-uV505050505050

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